loss leader

美 [ˈlɔːs liːdər]英 [ˈlɒs liːdə(r)]
  • 低价出售的商品;亏本出售的商品;招揽顾客的廉价品
  • n.低价出售的商品;亏本出售的商品;招揽顾客的廉价品

复数: loss leaders

loss leaderloss leader

loss leader


  • 1
    N-COUNT (为吸引顾客而)亏本出售的商品
    A loss leader is an item that is sold at such a low price that it makes a loss in the hope that customers will be attracted by it and buy other goods at the same shop.


a featured article of merchandise sold at a loss in order to draw customers
Synonym: drawing card leader


  1. It is unwise to go in with " loss leader " prices .


  2. Loss leader selling policy


  3. Music videos have long been a loss leader intended to drive sales of records and singles .


  4. Grocery stores often use a loss leader , such as low-priced coffee , to lure customers into the store .


  5. She also denies any suggestion that McKinsey might be using executive education as a loss leader to pick up big change management consulting contracts .


  6. NEW YORK-Back in the simpler , more innocent mid-1990s , Internet searches were seen as a loss leader .


  7. Under the proposals being considered , Huawei would offer its hardware at a large discount as a loss leader , as part of a wider effort to break into the UK market .


  8. This direction can also explain why removing the fixed portion from their card fees makes sense & a loss leader used to pump huge amounts of cash from small retailers into their Square balances .


  9. For many Michelin star restaurateurs , the restaurant is a loss leader whose fame allows the chef to charge high speaking or private cooking fees ; others start lines of premade food or lower priced restaurants .


  10. Fixed loss of Squad Leader after EOR at some times .


  11. They are keen to avoid hierarchies among rescue-robots ( because the loss of the leader would render the rest redundant ) .


  12. Companies shift power at the top all the time , but research suggests that the sudden loss of a leader affects a company differently than a smooth transition , such as a successfully orchestrated succession plan .


  13. Even though a primary leader may be disgraced , or the loss of a leader to sickness or death may come as an upsetting blow to the organization , the true leadership network stays intact .


  14. We mourn the loss of a spirited leader whose courageous order to evacuate ....


  15. Kane told me in July that she went into the two-year project thinking that if any company could survive the loss of its visionary leader , Apple ( AAPL ) could .


  16. But managers can actually turn the loss of a rule-breaking leader into a positive , says Lisa Penney , a professor of industrial organizational psychology at the University of Houston .
